26th May 2022

Fight for quality braking mirrors emissions battle to uphold standards

BM Catalysts has echoed the industry’s call for greater enforcement following the DVSA’s report into UNECE 90 Regulations, highlighting its own fight over emissions compliance.

The DVSA’s Market Surveillance Unit found that three out of eight braking brands tested failed to comply with UNECE 90 Regulations and Toby Massey, managing director of BM Catalysts, has seen parallels with the company’s fight to uphold standards.

“We welcome the DVSA’s continued market surveillance activity. It’s a complex process but it’s essential that we maintain standards and ensure attention to detail over the rules in place.”

The UK manufacturer and exporter of catalytic converters, DPFs and front pipes, has been campaigning for compliance within the industry for a number of years, while also looking to educate on the complexities of type approval legislation against the volatile prices of Platinum Group Metals used in the production of catalytic converters, which could see quality standards within the market taking a backseat in a bid to offset costs.

Catalytic converters and DPFs that require homologation go through a type approval process before being legal for sale.

Massey added: “While the process of type approval is complex, the message from DVSA is consistent in that everyone in the supply chain needs to make every effort to adhere to the regulation on the supply and fit of compliant products. This issue won’t go away, and we’ll continue to work with distributors and workshops to ensure the automotive aftermarket supply chain is better informed over type approval legislation and the important role they can play in its enforcement, for the benefit of the entire sector.”


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